Monday, September 26, 2016

Who Am I?

     This is the ultimate question we all face at some point in life. My first instinct is to respond with a laundry list of the many roles or faces I wear in life..... daughter, sister, mother, wife, friend, Christian, student, animal rescuer, volunteer, etc. But, is that who I am or what I do? I must ask myself if the things I DO make me who I am OR if I do those things BECAUSE of who I am? Of course this question is in-line with the age old debate of Nature vs. Nurture. Personally, I believe that a combination of genetics, upbringing, and experiences shape who we are.
     We are defined by our unique characteristics, attributes, and talents. In that regard, I consider my top inherited traits to be a healthy load of common sense, a good bit of sass, and wicked sense of humor. Over time, I have developed a respectable work ethic, generosity, loyalty, and altruism from the influence of my family. These attributes were modeled and prized by my parents and encouraged the most. As far as talents go, I would say that I have the gift of gab. Some may chuckle at that but I have found that not everyone is comfortable talking to or in front of other people or in tense situations. I, however, have never met a stranger, lacked for friends, or been at a loss for words. I hope that being friendly, talkative, and a good listener will serve me well in a counseling career. My other talents include cooking, painting, drawing, and craft projects. All of which I love to indulge in as much as possible.
         Besides personality and influences, I feel an important part of "Who We Are" can be seen in what we choose to care about. These are the things that we will invest the bulk of our time, money, attention, and effort on. These passions reveal our true nature and speak volumes about the kind of people we are. For me, that is my faith, family, community, animals, and school. These are the things I place the most value on. Therefore, my life is a collection of activities that revolve around these aspects. They bring me contentment, happiness, and a sense of pride in myself. I take my responsibilities in these areas very seriously and always give my best.
        I suppose the simplest way to describe myself is an outgoing, upbeat, fun-loving, go-the-extra-mile to help a friend or save a dog kind of girl.  Joseph Campbell said, "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." 

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